
Customer Information


LOCATION : 201 Five Forks Dr, Cartersville, GA

Daily Rate: $15

Vehicle Information


Vehicle Type


Vehicle Type

Box Truck

Vehicle Type


Vehicle Type


Please acknowledge that you are not carrying contaminated, hazardous, petroleum-based, radioactive or any type of waste products and that these types of haulers are not allowed on our properties. 

Please acknowledge that You have been made aware that there is no repair work allowed to be done on our properties. This includes: oil changes, tire replacements, maintenance or repairs.

Please acknowledge that you understand and agree that Pie Trucking LLC, its affiliates, subsidiaries or related parties, are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by a third party on our properties. 

I hereby acknowledge that the information that I provided in this agreement is complete and accurate. Furthermore, I understand and agree that if I park past the "End Date" in this agreement, or if I add additional vehicle(s) without providing Pie Trucking prior notice it will be considered illegally parked. I waive any additional notice of violations and agree that any violation of the Terms and Conditions of this Licensing Agreement will result in my vehicle being impounded, booted, or towed at my own expense without prior notice. Which may result in significant monetary cost to me.

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About Us

We are dedicating our services to trucking industry and provide the safe place for truckers to stop overnight. We are located right next to TA which has all the amenities desired after parking. Reserve your parking spot early today!